Unitech offers a number of software tools that immensely improves the productivity of deployment, management and data collection. The Showcase app helps you to get familiar with the hardware and software features on your Unitech devices.
- Key features of those software tools
- Introductory videos
- Showcase hands-on demos give you the ability to play around with the key features of an app
Explore Unitech software solutions with the Showcase app!The Showcase app gives you the ability to read about the key features of those software tools, watch the introductory videos, and by using the Demo function where you will be able to get hands-on experience with the app, helping you to get familiar with the software applications. |
How To InstallPlease install the Showcase app via one of the methods described below. |
Install via StageGO :1. Open the StageGO app in your device2. Scan the following QRCode to begin installation
Install via Software Update :1. Open the Software Update app in your device2. Enable “Install New Apps” in the settings”3. Check for updates and install the Showcase app
Install Manually :1. Download the Showcase APK file2. Copy the Showcase APK onto the device Internal Storage3. Open the Files app in your device, navigate to the root of Internal Storage 4. Click on the Showcase APK to start the installation.
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