Newsroom | Unitech Electronics
2023-08-01 Product News

Unitech PA768 | Strengthen AI and AR solutions to improve industrial operational efficiency!


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In addition to being deeply involved in the "Auto Data Capture" field, Unitech has also entered the field of automation and AI application information services to assist in smart retail, smart manufacturing, smart logistics, and other fields, aiming to improve operational productivity.

Applying TOPS (Trillions of Operations Per Second, a crucial metric that plays a pivotal role in evaluating the performance of AI systems) in AI technology not only gives you the ability to handle massive amounts of data within a shorter period, but also allows you to more clearly evaluate how to achieve better AI performance. Therefore, businesses can make more informed decisions and respond quickly to changing market trends and consumer demands. This gives them an edge over their competitors, reduces errors, and enhances productivity, ultimately saving them money and time in the long run.

Unitech Incorporation of TOPS in AI with PA768


Unitech introduced its first 5G premier mobile computer, PA768, which aims to boost the operation experience with a long-lasting # QCM6490 processor and WLAN 6E speedy wireless communication.

It incorporates the Qualcomm 6th AI Engine that provides up to 12 TOPS, offering several advantages, including increased efficiency and enhanced accuracy in tasks such as product manufacturing, quality control, counting tasks, and label verification.


Support ARCore Technology


The PA768 supports ARCore technology, allowing developers to create augmented reality apps that can sense its environment and interact with information. It enhances the CPU and built-in quality of both the camera and the motion sensors, providing users with stable performance to handle various tasks.

The ARCore technology transforms the way people work, helping to locate and identify elements in warehouse management, enabling user training during production processes, and providing precise details of high-risk areas for increased vigilance and accident prevention in field service applications.


How Different Industries Apply TOPS to Evaluate AI Performance and Acheive More


1. Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Efficiently process and analyze vast amounts of data related to inventory management, route optimization, and demand forecasting. It enables real-time tracking, improves supply chain visibility, and enhances operational efficiency.


2. Field Service Operations

Leverage advanced AI capabilities to diagnose and troubleshoot complex equipment issues on-site. Users can access relevant manuals, view augmented reality instructions, and perform predictive maintenance tasks, leading to faster problem resolution and improved customer satisfaction. Other field service applications also include Automated License Plate Recognition or Automatic Vehicle Identification.


3. Manufacturing and Quality Control

AI-powered computer vision algorithms are used to inspect and identify defects in manufacturing processes. This empowers enterprises with applications such as production label checks, counting, and quality control.




Revolutionize your business by utilizing PA768


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